Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I have no idea HOW this will turn into Double Wedding Ring,

but I can assure anyone that I will not attempt this again. It is such a difficult block especially with my casual approach to seam size, pressing and cutting. I just figure that it will all work out, and maybe this will, but I'm certainly not seeing it. We do have to trim it, but if there are double wedding rings inside this pattern, I'll eat my hat. I think I just made my background fabric, a greeny-blue and white batik, too close to the blue butterfly batik that is meant to be one of the wedding rings. The yellow seems to be fine. I'll withhold judgment, but my disappointment is doubled by the Phillies' game that I'm listening to on the radio. These are the heartbreaks in life that I can handle; I suppose it's why I spend so much time in my world inside my head, behind my cello or into a book. I must get out and do something more one of these days, but for now teaching is plenty.