Sunday, November 8, 2009

Flying to finish Flying Geese

One of my African American Literature students has a grand plan to create a quilt based loosely on some of the narratives we have read this term; her proposal sounds so clever but so involved that I doubt she can get it all done by the end of the term. I offered to work on it with her, but she has a bee in her bonnet and plans pulse in her brain. I can't wait to see how it turns out. Her ideas and imagine make these Flying Geese blocks, also called Dutchman's Puzzle (what the "Dutchman" had to do with the Underground Railroad is beyond me) looked like mere folderol!
I have my class tomorrow night, and I've been grading essays all day but promised myself one hour to put these two blocks together; they don't really make my heart thump with pleasure, but it is a style, after all, and it goes into the Underground Railroad motif for some reason or another. I must get the poem that implicates all thes designs; maybe if I put it into this blog, the blocks will make more sense.

1 comment:

  1. This piece is so alive and vivid to me. Your student's work for the final sounds so much fun. They must have enjoy your class a lot...Keep going, and I expect from you more creative works. So happy to see your news posts. __Dewen
