Saturday, October 24, 2009

Up too late; drugged on textiles...

I must get to bed so I can read a text and quit this fiddling around with textile analysis, but what could be more satisfying? I like the left side of this block, which to me looks rather spacey and celestial; the other side with its gingham and old-lady floral dogma sits rather strait-lacedly and waspily, looking lost and staid. So much for trying to weave in what felt familiar and friendly; as is always the case, what feels right initially never really pans out in the long run. Hmmm, where does THAT take me? Let me ponder that over night and dream of familiar patterns and where they lead. Last night, as I recall, I had a dream that I dyed my hair blonde....


  1. I was wondering what had become of my darling sweet gal! Lost in fabric eh? It all looks very exciting and delicious. Can't wait to see them in person someday...
