Friday, July 31, 2009

Dressing it up

I started with a white mug and a white bowl and the black coffee maker. What makes these objects so evocatively intimate to me? The promise of hot coffee and cereal with bananas is enough to delight me. Can an image capture a promise as enticing as morning rituals? I could only imagine doing it by dressing it up with my nasturtiums and another blossom from my butterfly bush. How DOES one paint something white? I think I've got to fix up this bowl; it really has problems, but I was really happy with the coffee maker, a fancy one that Lisa bought me when she could stand no longer the grunge of my old one - one that had become so familiar I couldn't see beyond its morning promise!

1 comment:

  1. Faith, have you seen this Australian fellow's work? --->

    You might enjoy looking at it. XXOOOOO J
