Friday, February 13, 2009


I remember reading John Ciardi trying to explain that poetry was words bumping into one another; I like that notion and think the same thing can be said about all art whether it is movement, color, texture, line or image. It also really reflects the say our minds work; how often have we been unable to think of a word because something else came along and bumped it off the memory deck?

Quilting keeps the mind on task in ways that writing doesn't - fortunately. I love writing because it has so much MORE texture, line, movement, imagery, color and BUMP than any other art form; the problem is that education sometimes squeezes the juice out of it. And so I am making a Seminole strip quilt which began with the pattern above, but then I learned that son Jack was interested in a cozy quilt. I chucked this idea and tried to line up some more manly fabrics and colors. The result is below:

These are trout in the white spaces, but they don't show up as well as I'd like; this week I will do some harlequin strips and try to use bigger strips of the fish.

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