Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Keeping it going with Zigzags...

I'm loving making these strips for a Seminole Strip Quilt, and working in these larger patters is gratifying because I can get a strip done without too much fussing around. I showed these strips to my son Jack because I was excited about how his quilt was coming along. He took one look and said, "It looks the same as it did before," so I'm thinking the aesthetics are going to be utterly missed on him. As with most things, I must do it for the sheer pleasure of process, of DOING it. The goal, the end, is never a reason for spending time on something. Even playing long tones on the cello has to be a process that pleases me or I won't do it. I'd rather play Bach's Cello Suites, stumbling around in my music making, that practicing the way a real musician needs to do; I suppose that's why I am such an amateur at most things I do.
The dog beckons...

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