Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tumbling joy

Even though there is little light today, I took these two photographs at my back steps because these nasturtiums (nasturtia?) and
petunias splashed over their borders and looked so full of vigor and energy today that I had to capture them; I wish these pictures could show the bounce of the brilliant orange against the dark greens and the vibrant purply petunia pink that spills down the stone steps. Sometimes, I suppose language trumps image. Today I drive to New York to spend my birthday with Lisa, after a sushi soiree last night with Oonie and Jack that brought me such warmth and laughter because they are SUCH goofballs and clearly so fond of each other. We will all meet in Orleans on the Cape next week. Life is good - and as it gets shorter, it pinches the poignancy of moments, images and exchanges. I am lucky.

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